Monday, August 26, 2013

Project H1N1: An introduction.

Hello Autosnort viewers, today I'm going for a change of pace and going to introduce a bold, new project that could have a monstrous impact on the IDS and Network Intelligence realm. I'd like to introduce groundbreaking for the new Unallocated Space collaboration project, H1N1:
H1N1 – Abstract:

H1N1 is a project that is meant to integrate the PRADS Passive Operating System Detection with Snort, the popular Intrusion Detection System package. The end goal is a system where Passive OS fingerprinting and IDS both work off one another to present a bigger picture:

-    Snort benefits would benefit from Passive OS fingerprinting by having the Passive OS fingerprinting software inform it as to what operating systems are in its HOME_NET, and use that information to build Preprocessor policies, specifically frag3 and stream5 reassembly policies, that control how snort handles reassembling traffic for those hosts. Eventually this gathered information could be used to make snort rule recommendations based on hosts, client service banners observed in the HOME_NET as well.

-    PRADS would (eventually…) benefit from snort, by existing as a preprocessor in the “stack”, benefitting from snort’s native ability to reassemble fragmented packets and reassemble TCP streams for both Operating System identification and Client/Server banner grabbing from the wire.

-    Users would be able to review information for assets in their HOME_NET detected off the wire, alone with their intrusion events, offering greater network intelligence and a bigger picture.

The problem is, I’m a complete derp when it comes to anything programming or development. I know shell scripting, I’ve done some introductory python, but beyond that, I’m pretty much helpless. The key to completing this project lies in the Unallocated space motto: Teach, Learn, Build -- We'll teach one another something, We will learn in order to fill in the gaps of knowledge we may lack in making this project a reality, and the end goal will be to Build something awesome.

So that's the general abstract and overall goal of this project. Yesterday afternoon, I did a presentation about the project at my local hackerspace, Unallocated Space  The goal was to find others in my area who would want to collaborate and be interested in making the project a reality. Below is an overview of the discussion and the powerpoint slides I brought with me:
H1N1 – Day 1: Introductions, Teach, Learn, Build

The first day was primarily an introduction to the technology behind the project. Unallocated motto was integrated into today’s talk, in introducing H1N1:

-    Teach:
o    I introduced the audience the open-source IDS/IPS software snort, if they weren’t already familiar, as well as how it worked. After that I explained the difference between Active and Passive OS fingerprinting, then delved deeper into the various techniques used to passively fingerprint operating systems that have been researched and well-established by minds much greater than my own; such as TCP SYN flag options, Client/Server banners, ICMP fingerprints, etc. I discussed the weaknesses of Passive OS fingerprinting – network devices modifying traffic between the source and destination, duplicate fragments/segments, etc.

o     I then set the stage for H1N1 – why hasn’t there been a project that integrates these two technologies together and have them work together? Most of the more well known solutions are commercial, while some of the Open-Source solutions aren’t quite there yet, in terms of usability .

-    Learn:
o    I want to make this project a reality. But I next to 0 programming knowledge. I know how to “hello world” in three separate languages, but unless I have an active challenge, or a reason to extend my knowledge beyond that, I tend to lose interest and my knowledge drops off nearly immediately. H1N1 is going to be a challenge, A challenge that I don’t know where to even begin to tackle.

o    This is where Learning comes into play. I want to learn how to develop in different programming languages. I’m more than willing to learn from anyone willing to teach. If you know how to do it, show me. If you don’t have the time, tell me to “Go learn about X concept in Y language then come back to me.” Once I understand it, I’ll teach others. We all benefit and gain knowledge in this way. Knowledge is power, and we all deserve to wield it.

-    Build: The project is ambitious, but I want to start with baby steps. Let’s start with the basics.
o     What passive OS identification software do we want to use?
o    Where are we going to host the code, and eventually the alpha builds?
o    Let’s make sure that Snort and PRADS can actually sniff off the same interface without causing the box to explode?
o    The current Prads2db script is in perl… Hell, most of the prads utils are in perl. Should we fix that? Can we make them better?
o    We can output the prads data to a database, to host attribute XML, but currently, there’s no web interface to display this data on.
o    (This is probably something that will happen much later) Is there host timeout functionality integrated in with PRADS? If not, how can we make it?
o    Automating the prads2snort script (rewritten in something that isn’t perl), and having it run on a regular interval, given to snort, and passing snort SIGHUP to read the new hosts identified in HOME_NET
Finally, We ended the conversation with a review of the slides, Q + A and what direction to take the project -- a review of the Build portion of my slides where I wanted to establish project milestones for H1N1:
H1N1 Q + A:

o     What passive OS identification software do we want to use?

Answer: We all primarily agreed that PRADS has the most features out of the options presented, and it made the most sense to build off it.

o    Where are we going to host the code, and eventually the alpha builds?

Answer: For the time being, we all have infrastructure in our own homes that we can build snort and prads on, Forgotten offered to create an unallocated space github account for hosting the project code there. Eventually, when we have a workable alpha release, or beta release, or SOMETHING, we can talk to hunter and UAS Keyholders to either get a physical box or virtual machine to demo things.

o    Let’s make sure that Snort and PRADS can actually sniff off the same interface without causing the box to explode?

Answer: This should be very easy for us to do. compile/build a snort sensor (snort, barnyard2, a web interface of choice), then compile PRADS. Set them both to run on startup (either via rc init script, or via rc.local), throw traffic at it. If it doesn't explode in a fit of rage, I'm going to call it a victory.

o    The current Prads2db script is in perl… Hell, most of the prads utils are in perl. Should we fix that? Can we make them better?

Answer: There's a general fear and loathing of perl that's understandable, along with a love of python. Additionally there's been talk at our first session that it would be trivial to write a parser to drop this information into a database. Any volunteers for reviewing the script as well as the script, and prads.sql data and determining whether or not porting it all to python would be feasible?

o    We can output the prads data to a database, to host attribute XML, but currently, there’s no web interface to display this data on.

Answer: Ruby on rails has been suggested. I don't know enough about web application technology to make this happen, but I'm not opposed to trying this. Another technology that I've been curious about is node.js.. A lot of new up and coming infosec projects have used node.js, and it's supposed to be incredibly fast. I wanna learn more.

o    (This is probably something that will happen much later) Is there host timeout functionality integrated in with PRADS? If not, how can we make it?

Answer: It was suggested that we turn this into a rolling time window sort of thing that's user configurable. Instead of taking the first fingerprint we see and associating it to an IP address, we can keep fingerprints associated to an IP address seen over a period of time, and based on results over X time period, Have Y% confidentiality that this IP address is this type of operating system. This is likely something that will have to come much further down the line, as it seems to be something that will require considerable effort to code.

o    Automating the prads2snort script (rewritten in something that isn’t perl), and having it run on a regular interval, given to snort, and passing snort SIGHUP to read the new hosts identified in HOME_NET

Answer: This should be fairly straightforward to do: Basically read the database, and generate a host_attributes.xml the same way the current perl scripts read the prads log and generate output.

That just about sums up the discussion about this project. This project is still very much in its infancy. No hard timelines for ANY of the milestones established have been set. The reason for that is that I want this to be a project that anyone can come into with any level of programming knowledge, say "this part of the project interests me", take charge of it, learn the concepts necessary to complete it, come back to the group, teach what they learned, and implement in a way that helps meet the overarching goal of the project -- Teach, Learn, Build. To make this happen, setting hard timelines isn't feasible since everyone learns at different rates.

I hope to drum up support for this project as far and as widely as I possibly can. I'm not looking for anyone to do the code and solve the problems for me, or folks wanted to collaborate on this project. Even if your contribution to this project is "This task would be best suited to this programming language. Go learn about this concept in this language and come back to me."

A good friend of mine, Forgotten has started a collaboration github account on github, by the namesake of this project:

Currently there isn't much there other than the readme; I'm hoping to change that if not on my own, then with your help, slowly but surely.

Hope to see you on the list of contributors,


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