Friday, June 14, 2013

New Autosnort Release, support for more distros and much more!


Lots to talk about, so let's get started.

I finally got around to finishing testing for the new, improved, and much cleaned up build of Autosnort that I had been hyping for a little while. For those who didn't see the last blog post, or the screen shot, I've done a bit of housekeeping with Autosnort.

Instead of puking the output for every single command all over the screen buffer, Autosnort's output has been significantly minimized and cleaned up where it could be cleaned up. Output is now very metasploit-like:

[*] are things that the script is doing
[*] are things the user should pay attention to
[*] are successful results
[*] are unsuccessful results

"Okay, so what if something goes wrong? All I have is a generic 'something went wrong' comment." Well, instead of hoping whatever you need was caught in the screen buffer, autosnort now logs the output of the ENTIRE installation to /var/log/autosnort_install.log, and /var/log/[interface you chose to install here -- for example, snort_install.log], So now, instead of having to hope the screen buffer caught the relevant bits of a problem with my script, you now have an entire log of what the script was actually doing for review, or to send to me to debug the script and get it to work properly.

The script will now actually tell you where I installed things, instead of you having to hunt and guess (sorry about that..)

Additionally, this release sees support for Ubuntu 13.04 and Debian 7. Currently in the process of Verifying support for Kali Linux (Backtrack's newer, younger sibling), but since it's all supposed to based off Debian and follows the Debian software methodology, it should be pretty straightforward.

The child installer scripts all got this little makeover, and as previously mentioned also have logging built in, and write to their own log files in /var/log.

The only thing of note that changed here in addition to the minimizing of output would be that I finally added a prompt to run Aanval's BPU processes on boot via rc.local. That's something I've been meaning to do for a while.

So now that this is over with, the next step would be for me to focus on Getting CentOS updated -- Snorby and the cleaned up autosnort script. That is next up on my plate before enabling anymore features on any platform. period.

After that is finished, here's what I'd like to focus on:

- All web interfaces should have SSL/HTTPS enabled by default. No exceptions.
- Remove database/barebone sensors should have a method to secure database transactions to the "Master Console"
+ some point way far down the line, I want to begin experimenting with p0f. The project has recently gotten some new blood (as mentioned in a recent shmoocon), and there are some interesting possibilities I can think of where p0f and snort could play incredibly well off of one another:
--have p0f run for a set period of time, sample traffic off the network, fingerprint operating systems and write results to a database
--script something out that takes the database results and helps write frag3/stream5 reassembly policies based off p0f results.

Same as always, the scripts are available via The Autosnort Github Repo

That's about it for now. Happy snorting, hope you enjoy the new release!


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