Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sometimes the old ways are the best ways (support for BASE and Syslog_Full output)

Hello AS/snort users,

Got two new features in this latest build of autosnort.

First and foremost is support for the BASE web interface. BASE is by and far one of the older and more well-known web interfaces for snort alerting. While the interface isn't going to win for prettiest interface, it is by and far very functional. Some of the cool things include the ability to download alerts as pcap and actual tshark/pcap parsed output for each alert.

This has been added as an installation option in the interface selection menu. The installation is painless and straight forward. After the system reboots, just point your browser to http://[your ip]/base.

The web page initial setup will check for all of the required pre-requisite settings on the first page. On the second page, it will ask you where adodb, a pre-requisite package, is installed. Autosnort and most linux distros install adodb to /usr/share/php/adodb (put that in for the path to adodb). It will also, of course ask you for database information and credentials:
database name: snort
database host: localhost
database port: 3306 (can leave blank if you'd like)
database username: snort
password: (the snort database user's password)

Unless you have an archive database configured, leave that part blank.
On the last page, it will ask if you want to set up auth to get into the web page to review events. That is entirely up to you.

After that, you should be all set to get events to the BASE web interface.

The next feature I have to announce is support for syslog output as another output interface choice. I've added a child script that configures barnyard2 to output to syslog_full format to port 514/udp. I have not FULLY tested this feature, but preliminary tests show that splunk picks up and parses the events with no issues whatsoever. A couple of troubleshooting recommendations:

-Ensure that the sensor's management interface, if it is firewalled, has port 514/udp open and allowed outbound.
-Conversely, ensure that your SIEM or syslog aggregator has port 514/udp open inbound to accept events -- I hosted splunk on a CentOS box and was puzzled why tcpdump says we were sending events out, but they were never making it to be indexed by splunk. I ran system-config-firewall-tui and added a rule for 514/udp inbound (and port 8000/tcp inbound for the actual web UI), and everything was fine.

The child scripts have been made available to Debian, Ubuntu and CentOS.

One last thing:

I've made some minor changes to the script at the recommendation of maintainer of the barnyard2 project. Instead of using sed to modify the copy of barnyard2.conf included with the barnyard2 source, I'm making the script generate a barnyard.conf on-the-fly.

- the script keeps a copy of the original barnyard2.conf in /usr/local/snort/etc/ named barnyard2.conf.origin
- the script generates a barnyard2.conf with only the directives necessary to run barnyard2 (e.g. where are the reference and classification config files, the gen/ files, input format to accept, output format to output to, etc.)
- if you choose to configure output to syslog format, the child script disables output to the database automatically.

As always, the scripts are up on github, along with updated READMEs. Previous versions are available in the Previous_Rel directory as well.

Happy Hunting..


Saturday, April 13, 2013

New AS release, New init scripts, bug fixes and more!

Hello AS users,

Got a lot to talk about today, so let's get down to business:

First and foremost I've finally gotten around to writing half-decent documentation for autosnort. I've pushed a pdf file to github featuring documentation with screenshots on how to install Autosnort via vmware player, including an interesting hack on how to get bridging to work on multiple interfaces on vmware player 5.

I chose CentOS as the vmware player operating system, but the instructions should be easy to follow for Debian Ubuntu or Backtrack. Any major differences were noted. All said and done it was about 23 pages of documentation with screenshots peppered in.

I focused on using VMware player this time around, and generally speaking the VMware player guidance can be used just as well for VMware Fusion or Workstation. I may do an alternate document for ESXi and/or Virtualbox in the near future.

I've also included general troubleshooting steps and things you *should* see after running autosnort.

Next in line is an update to the autosnort script for Debian, Ubuntu, and CentOS. Banyard2.13 BETA2 has changed how barnyard2 behaves. As a result of this, I had to change how arguments are passed to barnyard2 in Autosnort. The details are available for each operating system's readme files. Suffice to say, everything works fine now.

Finally, I've gotten around to testing and posting init scripts for Ubuntu and Debian to control snort and barnyard2. The Ubuntu and Debian init scripts support start, stop and restart functions and are pretty easy to implement. Implemtation details are also available via the Readme files for Ubuntu and Debian Autosnort scripts, but suffice to say, its incredibly easy.

I may release a modification to the init script that detects if you installed aanval and automatically start/stop the BPUs along with snort and barnyard2, but that will come a little later.

The documentation, new scripts, readmes and init scripts should all be available via github as of now.
